You want a temporary way fluffy can be kept in the manner he is accustomed to while you deal with an emergency, hospitalisation, travel, renovations or rehab?

Is a big life change like health, emigration, divorce, separation, or downsizing making you consider rehoming your pet?

What We Do
We offer rehoming services for beloved pets due to change of pet parents’ life circumstances such as immigration, health, downsizing, allergies, divorce, retrenchment, death in the family or in the extremely unfortunate situation of the owner dying. We will create the purrfect droolworthy beloved pet profile so they can put their best paw forward and be matchmade with a new loving home. Our marketing team have been paw-posefully selected for their experience in pet photography, social media marketing and paid adverts so that we can get maximum exposure for each fur-nomenal individual pet. We also offer immediate temporary care for beloved pets in emergencies such as road accidents, delay on return from travel or medical emergencies as well as longer temporary care for 3 to 6 months for situations such as recovery time of pet parent after an operation, rehabilitation, immigration/emigration or nationwide relocation, loss of income etc.
Why Choose Us

Why we are so paw-sionate about rehoming beloved pets

As pet paw-rents with our own beloved pets, our biggest fear was not knowing how to rehome our animals due to a change of life. After a difficult time, my husband and I separated and it seemed our new accommodation options we were being forced to take would not be able to take the number of animals we had. Battling with my own stress and anxiety over my finances and immediate future I bravely posted urgent posts on facebook about having to rehome our animals and I didn’t get any success. I realised we needed a temporary care facility for our animals while my husband and I figured out what we would do next. (Plus the animals were stressed out with all the tension we had and were acting out and fighting with each other adding to our urgency to find a solution now.) None of our immediate family or our friends were able to adopt our animals or provide temporary care. It would break my heart to send them to the animal shelter where they would feel scared and abandoned. I would have to give up any future potential to own the animal again and they might get euthanised. It was a very stressful time and it lead me to formulate Beloved Pets Rehoming for other stressed out pet paw-rents like me.

We believe to make rehoming pets more successful four main ingredients are needed:


Enough time (ideally 3 to 6 months) to market the animal on various networks, social media platforms and paid advertising strategies so that enough people see the animal and it stands a good chance of being adopted.


To create an appealing profile so potential adopters can fall in love with that special fur-baby. The information will also ensure we match them to the right kind of home eg. Do they get on with other dogs and cats and children etc.?


Finances to be able to hire the skill set required to market the animals effectively, to manage the home checks and also to care for the animal in a loving, safe, adequately staffed environment in the interim.


To increase the chances of a successful rehoming we want to send the animal to the new home in a calm state. We achieve this with plenty of playtime and love. We advise the new home on introduction techniques to help the new pets integrate with existing pets gradually. If needed we have access to an animal behaviourist.

What We Offer For You and Your Pets

Services We Offer

Starting from R899 for pet rehoming
Starting from R950 per month for temporary pet care

Beloved Pet Temporary Care

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This can either form part of the rehoming service because tem-paw-rary care will be needed while we search for a long-term home or it can be for unexpected emergencies such as 

  • road accidents,
  • delay on return from travel
  • medical emergencies 

as well as longer tem-paw-rary care for 3 to 6 months for situations such as 

  • recovery time of pet parent after an operation, 
  • renovations, 
  • divorce, separation, gender-based violence or escape from abuse
  • drug / crime rehab – admission into a rehabilitation program
  • Immigration/emigration or nationwide relocation, 
  • loss of income/retrenchment, 
  • death in the family

After which time, once the temporary situation is handled the existing owners can take on the pets again or the pets are moved to their new forever home.


Beloved Pet Rehoming Services

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We will create the purrfect droolworthy beloved pet profile so they can put their best paw forward and be matchmade with a new loving home.  Our marketing team have been paw-posefully selected for their experience in pet photography, social media marketing and paid adverts so that we can get maximum exposure for each fur-nomenal individual pet. 

Once a new potential home is found, screening will be done to ensure the home will be a good match and they will be responsible pet owners. If the home is approved, the animal will be adopted with relevant paperwork so that we can follow up on the rehoming a few days, a few weeks and a few months later.


Compassionate Euthenisation

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Euthanisation is never a decision taken lightly but it is better than a life of suffering and neglect so we recommend discussing this openly with your family. Pets like people don’t want to die alone so we recommend for the family to be with their pet at this time to help them cross over calmly.

If no home can be found after a period of 3 to 6 months despite every effort the pet owner can choose to take ownership of the pet again or select a shelter for us to send the pet to or we can arrange compassionate euthanasia.

If the owner or family can’t be present at the time of the euthanasia then we will send a member of our team to be with the beloved pet to the end. Before the appointed euthanasia time, our team will ensure an amazing day of play, eating special meals and lots of love so our pet’s last memories are good ones and they can cross over the rainbow bridge in peace knowing they were wanted and loved. 

Get Started

Apply for rehoming / temporary pet care services

Safety & Security For Your Pets

Discover peace of mind with Beloved Pets’ exceptional care services for your cherished pets.
Apply for Rehoming
Are you a pet owner or a pet guardian
(If your are a guardian you have taken in the pets after the owner passed away or had an emergency and you are providing temporary care or you are a concerned party)
Address where pets are right now, street name, street number, apartment number, and postal code
By sending us your ID number you authorise us to run a standard background and credit check. If you dont authorise these checks then leave the ID question blank
Contact Person | Same as Above
Contact number of contact person | Same as Above
Does the pet need a temporary home or a permanent new home
Spayed / Neutered

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Apply to become a Foster Home
Foster Homes
Are you a pet owner currently?
Spayed / Neutered
Any health or medical issues

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB


Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

*We will respond to all applications within a 24 hour period in the week and a 48 hour period over weekends. In case of emergencies please WhatsApp or call us on +27 84 224 6309